Welcome to quantrillsguerrillas.com the most comprehensive on-line resource for all things related to William Clarke Quantrill, the men who rode with him and as those who violently opposed them!
We proudly display, maintain and preserve the Worlds largest on-line collection of Quantrill related artifacts, documents and images while featuring articles, biographies, reviews written by award winning authors, renown collectors and relatives of the former combatants. Over three hundred period images are displayed, than four score worth of articles biographies reviews await you. New images, artifacts and publications are added on a regular basis. We originally launched as a members only site which grew to registered nearly five hundred registered members. So due to popular demand enabled by rapidly evolving technology, we are now allowing public access to majority of our content while providing multimedia options previously unavailable. Our site is unique in many ways, not only because it continuously grows evolves, or because of the volume and quailty of the content.
The one quality that truly sets-us apart is we are a small group of like mind individuals who are ready, willing and able to maintain this site indefinitely, whose only agenda is to ensue ensure a more equitable presentation of the Missouri-Kansas Border war is available for those rare individuals who are not afraid to seek the truth.
We hope you enjoy your visit, stay as long as you like. We hope to see you again, don't forget to tell your friends. Charley Hart !
EDITORS NOTE: If you don't know who Charley Hart was, then you don't know the full story of Quantrill. Charley Hart was the alias adopted by William Clarke Quantrill while in Kansas. William and a friend were attacked by a band of Jayhawkers robbed of their horses and other valuables and left for dead.
Utilizing the assumed name of Charley Hart, Quantrill taught school in Lawrence. Working to gain the trust of known Jayhawker leaders, Quantrill soon joined the Kansas militia as a private, was promoted first to orderly sergeant then lieutenant. One by one he found the men who had robbed and beaten him within an inch of his life, dispatching them to meet their maker. When he knew he was under suspicion he lead a Jayhawker raid into Missouri,slipping away to warn the Missourians ensuring the defeat of the Jayhawkers as well as the beginning of the legend of exploits of William Clarke Quantrill.Charley Hart is also the name we have chosen for our administrator, so members, if you receive something signed Charley Hart you'll understand.
This is a characterture of Charley Hart, originally published in the book dictated by former Quantrill man Harrison Trow.
We now own the original dies since we are republishing it in various styles and formats so the image is subject to copy-rite ©, so please don't copy them without written permission.
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